Have You Been Injured?
We Can Help!Grand Rapids Car Accident Lawyer
Grand Rapids car accident lawyers at the law firm of Elia & Ponto have helped victims of Grand Rapid auto accidents, Grand Rapids truck accidents, and Grand Rapids motorcycle accidents for years. The term Personal Injury refers to Injury of body and/or emotional distress caused due to the negligence of a third party. However, it does not include damage to property. So, if you’ve been the unfateful victim in Grand Rapids, an accident lawyer at our firm is just a call away and can also help you with our state’s no-fault benefits. An accident attorney at our firm can also help you file Grand Rapids accident damage claims.
‘Accidents’ include car accidents, semi-truck accidents, motorcycle collisions, bicycle crashes, and pedestrian accidents. In a wider context, the phrase ‘Personal injury’ encapsulates Railroad accidents, Boating accidents, Animal attacks, Dog Bites, Premises Liability, and Apartment complex Slip and Fall. For more details, please speak with an accident lawyer at our firm right away.
FAQ’s about Grand Rapids Car Accident Law
What are No-Fault Benefits?
In our state, Residents hit by a car, truck, motorcycle, or any motor vehicle can file a claim for no-fault Benefits. Operating your vehicle without insurance is an exception to this. In fact, even Pedestrians and bicyclists can file a claim no-fault benefits.
Medical cost coverage, payment of lost wages, payment for household replacement services, attendant care, and medical mileage reimbursement, are the benefits included.In order to help you better understand these benefits, a No-Fault accident lawyer is always available at Elia & Ponto. At no cost to you, we take a sharp interest in educating you about No-Fault benefits.To learn more, speak with one of our Grand Rapids No-Fault auto accident lawyers today!
How do I receive No-Fault Benefits?
To receive No-Fault Benefits after a car accident in Grand Rapids, you must fill out a written Application for Benefits to the best of your abilities.
Once the written Application for Benefits is completed, you must submit it to the correct insurance company. This must be done within one year of the accident. You also only have one year to make a No-fault benefits claim.
In our state, the law excludes motorcycles from no-fault insurance; the exception occurs when the motorcycle is involved in a vehicle accident or under certain circumstances. Although this may be confusing, a Grand Rapids car accident lawyer at Elia & Ponto can assist in simplifying these terms. To read more about No Fault Insurance click here.
Evidence of benefits must be sent to the insurance company. You will be unable to receive benefits if this is not completed. No-Fault auto law can be very confusing, a Grand Rapids accident lawyer at Elia & Ponto would be happy to help you today!
What are the No-fault Benefits for Medical Expenses?
In our state, No-Fault auto Law permits a victim to receive all allowable expenses. This is specified as “Allowable expenses consisting of all reasonable charges incurred for reasonably necessary products, services and accommodations for an injured person’s care, recovery, or rehabilitation.” More information on this law can be found here.
Do No-Fault benefits cover lost earnings or wages?
In our state, an injured person is allowed benefits of lost work for three years following an accident . These benefits should take care of 85% of the gross lost pay of an injured person. This can be hard to comprehend, speak with a lawyer at our firm today. Our Grand Rapids auto accident attorneys are dedicate themselves to providing you with cutting-edge legal advice.
Do No-Fault benefits cover replacement services?
In our state, a person is able to receive $20.00 per day in household replacement care. This law is aimed to reimburse the people who are taking care of you and around the home while you are injured; with chores such as cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry. A medical physician must rule that this level of care is needed before you are able to receive benefits.
Do No-fault benefits cover mileage expenses?
Expenses that are sustained for the reason of transportation to and from obtaining medical treatment are considered expenses that can be repossessed. For that reason, it is important to keep a record of your total mileage and expenses incurred while traveling to and fro receive treatment for ailments that were incurred from your auto accident.
The total mileage collected while traveling to your medical treatments can be reimbursed through this record. For questions or concerns regarded this area, feel free to contact us.
What are No-fault Death Benefits?
We understand here at Elia & Ponto, that auto accidents can result in the most unfortunate case of losing the life of a loved one. These cases are taken extremely serious by our attorneys.
Under the occurrence of the death of a victim in an auto accident; living dependents can be paid no-fault benefits. No-fault Benefits for the death of a loved one include lost wages, replacement services, funeral cost coverage, and payment of medical bills.
What is an Auto Accident Third Party Claim?
In our state, this claim is due for the injuries that an auto accident victim suffers after being involved in an accident. Third party claims are typically hard claims to win. Victims often fail to pass the threshold of injury required to win the claim. A Grand Rapids auto accident lawyer at Elia & Ponto certainly help you file this claim.
Comprehending this, if a Michigan auto accident victim finally goes through with filing this claim, they will be compensated for reimbursement for scarring, disfigurement, and pain & suffering upon winning.
An Elia & Ponto accident lawyer will help anyone who has been injured in an auto accident file this claim. Our attorneys will give you nothing less than the absolute finest legal advice. We will do our best to ensure compensation of all injuries related to an auto accident including the death of a loved one.
What is a Michigan No-fault insurance claim?
At Elia & Ponto, a Grand Rapids car accident attorney can assist you in filing a No-fault insurance auto accident claim. A victim will be able to get compensation for expenses in a no-fault insurance claim.
No-fault insurance claims in our state will cover expenses regarding; medical, transportation and any necessary changes made in your home due to the injuries you incurred.
What is an Auto Accident Property damage claim?
An auto accident property damage claim will allow you or a loved one to be compensated for any damage caused to your vehicle as well as any property that was damaged during the motor vehicle accident.
A Grand Rapids car accident lawyer at Elia & Ponto will help you in determining additional coverage, which is usually advised for collision. This is due to the fact that the form of coverage will determine the type of recovery. We can file this claim for you and help you throughout the process.
What is an Uninsured Car Accident Claim?
An Uninsured Car accident claim is filed when the negligence of another vehicle driver who does not have car insurance causes injury to you or a loved one. A Grand Rapids car accident lawyer at our firm will be happy to help you file this claim.
In Michigan, it is estimated that 20% of motor vehicle operators do not have car insurance. In areas like Flint and Detroit, the figure is even higher. This is mainly found to be an effect of the expensive cost associated with Michigan auto insurance.
The comparison for the price of auto insurance in Michigan being so high compared to the national average causes a lot of debate. There is a 1 out of 5 chance that if you are injured in a Michigan car accident; one of the motor vehicle operators involved in the accident is uninsured.
In our state, failure to have auto insurance coverage will have a plethora of negative consequences. One of these consequences is that if you are the owner of a motor vehicle that is not insured; and are involved in an auto accident, you will not be able to file a claim for Michigan no-fault benefits; or sue the at-fault driver for you or a loved one’s pain and suffering. With this being said, you will not be able to file any claim for compensation related to the accident.
If you are injured in a car accident and do have insurance; but the operator of the other vehicle lacks insurance coverage or are a passenger; you are still able to file a claim for pain and affliction compensation by filing an uninsured motorist claim.
What is Michigan Uninsured Motorist Coverage?
For Michigan inhabitants, uninsured motorist insurance is coverage any motor vehicle owner can purchase from their auto insurance company. Essentially, your insurance company will recompense you for non-economic damages. These kind of damages can encompass pain & suffering, emotional distress, and loss of consortium.
A victim that was harmed from the irresponsibility of an uninsured vehicle or driver may reap these benefits. Michigan Uninsured motorist coverage is not a mandatory form of coverage under Michigan law. A policyholder must choose to purchase this form of coverage while they are in the midst of buying car insurance.
For Residents in our state, the minimum amount of uninsured motorist coverage is roughly $20,000/$40,000. This means that $20,000 is available per person or $40,000 for the entire car accident. The uninsured motorist benefit coverage amounts can continue climbing from that price point. Many people even opt up to purchase $500,000 or even $1,000,000 in Michigan uninsured motorist benefit coverage.
Michigan Uninsured motorist coverage is typically inexpensive. For this reason, it is suggested to get this coverage to be on the safe side.
How Do I Make an Uninsured Motorist Claim?
For residents, filing an uninsured motorist claim is very simple. Following a motor vehicle accident, if you are named on the insurance policy; the victim can contact the insurance provider to notify them they were injured in an auto accident and would like to file and uninsured motorist claim.
Michigan uninsured motorist claims can be pursued by people who are not named on the insurance policy or policyholders. Insurance policies will usually allow any person injured while being in a motor vehicle uninsured motorist benefits.
You can make an uninsured motorist claim if you are injured in a car accident with an uninsured driver. This claim can be filed with the auto insurance company for the car you were in during the crash.
The insurance contract you have with your auto insurance provider will decide what uninsured motorist benefits you can claim. With this being said, the insurance policy you have will dictate the terms of the application for uninsured motorist benefits.
There are many provisions for notice, obligations, and duties the uninsured motorist claimant; will need to follow in order to pursue an uninsured motorist benefits claim. For those filing a claim, provisions must be followed to the best of your abilities in order to see success. Otherwise, you will be forfeiting your right to get uninsured motorist benefits.
One scenario of this is that many auto insurance policies; will require that a police report is created within 24 hours of a hit-and-run accident. If you do not do this, you will not be able to file an uninsured motorist benefits claim. Most insurance companies will require a person to file a claim for uninsured motorist benefits within 30 days. If you or your loved one does not do this, this can prevent them from filing a claim.
A crucial aspect about these claims is that you are only allowed to file a claim for uninsured motorists benefits if you are not at fault for the accident. That means that if you are more than 50% at fault for the car accident you were involved in; you will not be able to file a claim for Michigan uninsured motorist benefits.
Michigan uninsured motorist benefits can be a valuable option to get compensation after being injured in a motor vehicle accident. It may be a good idea to speak with your car insurance agent about adding uninsured motorist coverage to your policy. Also, please be sure that the coverage you are adding is sufficient; in case you or any person operating your vehicle is injured.
If you are having trouble with any of this information; a Grand Rapids accident lawyer at our firm can help guide you; our Grand Rapids auto accident lawyers are dedicated to providing you with only the best information possible.
Will all of the medical bills I incur as a result of my accident be covered for life?
In short, yes. Under our state’s law, medical coverage for a no-fault related accident continues for the rest of your life; or for as long as you may need treatment. However, it is essential to be aware of complications that may arise related to medical expense coverage. If you are facing complications, contact a Grand Rapids car accident lawyer.
In order to have your medical bills reimbursed, the expenses in question must meet certain criteria. This means that a medical bill must be:
- Reasonable in cost
- Reasonable in necessity
- For a procedure or appointment that has already happened.
State law does not necessitate guaranteed pre-payment for medical bills related to no-fault accidents. From time to time, insurance companies try to avoid paying out for these types of medical expenses; by questioning whether or not a patient genuinely needs a medical procedure ordered by his or her doctor. Insurance companies will also dispute bill amounts.
No-fault auto insurance providers in the state offers two types of medical coverage. These consist of coordinated benefits and uncoordinated benefits. An uncoordinated policy will pay out benefits even if the beneficiary has an outside health insurance policy. Conversely, a coordinated policy functions as secondary insurance by requiring that the beneficiary’s health insurance pays first. The beneficiary’s auto insurance policy then pays the amounts not covered by his or her primary health insurance policy.
You can discern whether you have coordinated or uncoordinated benefits by reviewing your auto insurance policy. A common issue faced by a beneficiary occurs when his or her auto insurance policy; and health insurance policy contradict each other about which is obligated to pay the policy holder’s medical bills first. If you are experiencing issues related to this contradiction, or you have questions; contact a lawyer at our firm today.
Who pays out benefits in the event of an injury from a car accident in the state of Michigan?
If you are in an auto accident, no-fault law requires that your own auto insurance company payout to cover the majority of the expenses. Under state law, there is an established order in which insurance companies are responsible for paying out benefits. This is known as the “order of priority” and is as follows:
- Your own insurance policy
- Insurance of a relative such as a spouse, sibling, or parent, who is a resident of the state of Michigan
- Provider of insurance to the owner of the vehicle you were driving
- The insurance company of the driver of the vehicle in which you were a passenger
- The State of Michigan Assigned Claims Facility
The Michigan Assigned Claims Facility is a state agency that has the power to assign an insurance company to someone who has been injured in a motor accident, and who is not eligible for any other form of no-fault insurance coverage.
This insurance company will then provide benefits to the injured person. You can apply for these benefits by contacting the Assigned Claims Facility. Call them at (517) 322-1875 or; speak with a No-Fault Grand Rapids accident lawyer at our firm.
How does no-fault law work in the state of Michigan?
Law requires that a vehicle owner has a no-fault insurance policy in order to register his or her vehicle. Payments will be made from a person’s own insurance company if that person is injured in an auto accident.
These payments will cover any collision damage, medical treatments, or wage loss resulting from the accident. While multiple states have no-fault auto insurance laws; Michigan’s law is the only one to offer unlimited benefits for medical and rehabilitation costs. A Grand Rapids car accident lawyer can help you better understand these concepts with a consultation. Other states have a financial cap on these types of benefits.
The no-fault law in Michigan entitles an insured person to:
- Personal injury protection (PIP) coverage
- Residual bodily injury coverage
- Property protection insurance.
What should I do if I think the driver who caused my accident was intoxicated?
If you were in an accident caused by a drunk driver, then you may be eligible to file a “Dramshop” claim. A “Dramshop” claim is a lawsuit against a bar, liquor store, or other establishment which has illegally sold alcohol to someone who then caused an accident as a result. An alcohol sale is considered illegal when it is sold to:
- A minor (someone under the age of 21)
- An adult who is already visibly intoxicated.
The state of Michigan requires that a claim of this nature certainly be made within 120 days of retaining an attorney. The claim is made by the accident victim against the establishment that allegedly illegally sold the alcohol in question. If your accident involved a driver who was drunk, contact our office immediately.
What does it mean to have “Uninsured” or “Underinsured” coverage?
Uninsured motorist coverage is an insurance option that you can buy, which will pay any needed benefits if you are in an auto accident with someone who did not have insurance coverage, or in the case of a “hit and run” situation. All drivers should strongly carry uninsured coverage for this reason.
Underinsured motorist insurance can be acquired to give coverage in the event that you are in a motor accident and the other party’s insurance does not provide sufficient benefits to cover your medical needs. This is typically needed when a car accident results in a very serious harm.
If you have a claim involving uninsured or underinsured coverage, you may wish to consult with an attorney. Cases of this nature must be handled in an appropriate and careful nature, as they can be complicated. Not only that but settling your case too quickly; could cause you to forfeit your right to additional coverage; thus preventing you from getting financial coverage for the medical benefits you need.
How can a Grand Rapids Car Accident Lawyer help me?
A Grand Rapids No-Fault car accident lawyer can help you file a car accident claim, understand state car accident claim time limits, and most of all help you receive compensation if you or a loved one was injured or worst of all, killed in a motor vehicle accident.
Regardless of how difficult you think your case will be to win; we are ready to help you. Here at Elia & Ponto, we treat each and every client like family and fight hard for your rights.
Meet Our Grand Rapids Auto Accident Attorneys
At Elia & Ponto your case will be handled by a top rated Grand Rapids auto accident attorney, not a paralegal or law clerk. We offer a free, no obligation case review and we will represent you on a contingent fee basis.

Sam E. Elia
Co-owner and Managing Partner
Member of the Michigan Bar Association and active member of the metro Detroit Chaldean community. Mr. Elia received his Bachelor’s Degree in psychology from Wayne State University (2008) and his Juris Doctor from The University of Detroit Mercy School of Law (2011).
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Adam P. Ponto
Co-owner and Managing Partner
Member of the Michigan Bar Association and Michigan Association for Justice member. Mr. Ponto received his Bachelor’s of Science in Economics from The Ohio State University and his Juris Doctor from The University of Detroit Mercy School of Law.
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Kevin Kashat
Attorney Kevin Kashat is both a member of the State Bar of Michigan and a lifelong resident of Metro Detroit. Mr. Kashat earned his Bachelor’s degree from Wayne State University and subsequently earned his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. While in law school.
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Sally Moore
Licensed in Michigan 1996 and New York 2011. Educated at the University of Detroit Mercy Law. Over 20 years in litigation initially with the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office handling criminal matters on all levels throughout the Wayne County Criminal Court.
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Howard Cohen
Mr. Cohen received a full merit scholarship after high school to attend Wayne State University in Detroit. He graduated in 1984 with a B.S. degree in Criminal Justice with distinction. Following undergrad, Howard attended Wayne State University Law School.
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Andrew Kas-Marogi
Attorney Andrew Kas-Marogi received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Detroit Mercy and his Juris Doctor from Wayne State University Law School. He joined Elia & Ponto as a law clerk in 2021 and has worked closely with personal injury cases ever since.
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Darnell Smith
Darnell Anthony Smith is a graduate of the Western Michigan University – Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Auburn Hills, Michigan and was admitted to the State Bar of New York in 2020. Darnell was later admitted to the State Bar of Michigan in 2022.
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Michael Canner
As a personal injury attorney, I represent clients who have suffered injuries in an accident. I also represent clients when an insurance company decides to stop providing you with your benefits even after years of having paid your premium.
View ProfileGrand Rapids Auto Accident Attorney
Automobile accidents are a persistent occurrence throughout the state and even more so in the Metro Area. It is very likely that you or a loved one will or have been involved in an automobile accident throughout their lifetime. A result of these accidents could be that very serious injuries may occur.
Your situation can be dramatically improved by speaking with an Elia & Ponto auto accident lawyer. The Law Firm of Elia & Ponto represents clients that have suffered injuries including broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, back and neck injuries, knee injuries, shoulder injuries, lacerations, and all other serious injuries.
Three things are required by state law before an injured person may be entitled to compensation for injuries sustained (“pain and suffering”) in an automobile accident. First, the person seeking compensation must not be at fault for the accident.
An elite Grand Rapids No-Fault car accident lawyer at the law firm of Elia & Ponto will know this. Second, the injured person must sustain an injury that is “objectively manifested”. In simpler terms, the person must sustain an injury that will show up on a medical diagnostic test (MRI, X-Ray, CAT Scan, EEG, etc.). Lastly, the injury must cause a “serious impairment”. Finally, the injured party’s lifestyle must be affected; due to the injuries sustained for a period of time and the accident.
A person must take legal action within three years from the date of the accident; or they will not be qualified to pursue a claim for their “pain and suffering” against the at-fault driver. Failure to initiate a lawsuit within that three years may result in your claim being forever barred. An elite Grand Rapids car accident lawyer at our firm can help you or a loved one with this.
Again, each individual’s claim is different. If you were injured in an automobile accident, call the Law Firm of Elia & Ponto and speak with a No-Fault Car Accident lawyer today!
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We Can Help!Your Grand Rapids Car Accident Lawyer
Each individual claim is inherently unique. A Grand Rapids auto accident attorney at Elia & Ponto will acknowledge this. The very first time you speak with one of our skilled attorneys we will begin a thorough analysis of your situation and assemble an effective plan of action. Let a Grand Rapids vehicle accident lawyer at our firm take care of you.
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